(terms ending at 2026 AGM)
Susan Desabrais (Secretary)
Helene Boulet
Daniel Lamarche
Dan O'Sullivan
(terms ending at 2025 AGM)
Paul Linneboe (Vice President)
Stewart Wilson (Treasurer)
Nick Cushman
Dorothy Langman
In an attempt to more evenly distribute and focus the workload amongst the GORA directors and volunteers, the following committees are in place:
Environment and Water Quality (Stewart Wilson)
Municipal and Other Government Agencies Liaison (open)
Outdoors Editorial and Publications Committee (open)
Membership and Recruitment Committee (Stewart Wilson)
Recreation (Susan Desabrais)
If you have some time and expertise that you could contribute to the work of any of these committees, please let us know at
Greater Otter Lake Residents' Association (GORA)
Association des Résidents du Grand Otter Lake (ARGO)